Everyone Is Welcome at Trinity! If you’re looking for a new church family or have visited us and would like to become an official member, please join us for our January 2020 classes.
If your schedule allows, please plan on attending both sessions (January 12th & 19th). Classes are approximately 1 hour each and take place right after the Sunday morning worship service.
RSVP: Please call the church office at 570-622-9910 to register or for additional information. You can also speak to Pastor Chris.
New member’s classes are led by Pastor Chris.
In the first class we will attempt to cover some or all of the following: understanding the Lutheran service; Lutheran Sacraments; Christian, Lutheran, and Church history; The Bible.
The second class will cover Trinity’s history and significant items in the church sanctuary.
Q: Can kids come to the class?
A: Of course! Children are always welcome here and can attend the classes if they’re with a parent(s) or grandparent(s).
Q: Do you have to attend both dates?
A: It is recommended to attend both, but it is not always possible with everyone’s schedules. Please speak to Pastor Chris about what works for you.
Q: After attending the 2 classes will I be a member of Trinity?
A: Yes! No tests will be given, LOL. We can’t wait to welcome you!
Q: Do I have to become a new member to worship at Trinity?
A: NO. Everyone is welcome and you don’t need to be an “official” member, but we hope that you will consider joining us if and when it feels right for you.
Q: Do you offer classes throughout the year?
A: Yes we do. Please call the church office at 570-622-9910 to inquire.